The Marvel Cinematic Universe has released over thirteen films, and delighted critics and audiences alike in creating a film world akin to that of a real life comic book series. Nevertheless, when it comes to the Academy, no film from the franchise has yet to win a golden statuette. This could all change, however, as Captain America: Civil War — considered to be one of the very best films they've made — is being submitted for Oscar consideration.If they are successful, Civil War could become the first superhero movie to be nominated for best picture. Given the scarcity of great summer films that were released this year, coupled with the fact that many major Oscar contenders are yet to be screened, there is a chance Civil War could sneak into contention for the biggest award of them all. This would reflect the Oscars' desire to go more mainstream — evidence when the Academy expanded the amount of nominees from five to a potential ten in 2009, leading to more genre-style pictures such as The Martian and Inception to get nominated.But how have superhero films succeeded historically at the Oscars? Lets take a look at some of the biggest successes.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has released over thirteen films, and delighted critics and audiences alike in creating a film world akin to that of a real life comic book series. Nevertheless, when it comes to the Academy, no film from the franchise has yet to win a golden statuette. This could all change, however, as Captain America: Civil War — considered to be one of the very best films they've made — is being submitted for Oscar consideration.
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